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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout the process of creating my music video and ancillary products, I have received a wide range of feedback. My target audience is made up of both male and female - although we are mostly targeting our products at females. The music video and ancillary products are aimed at females aged 17-26 and males at 17-21 years of age. This group of people will naturally be attracted to the video due to the music artist being female and her appealing to other young women, without meaning to. This is due to the music generally being more relatable to people of the same gender. However, males are being attracted due to the young female music artist being deemed attractive, fitting the theory of the male gaze. The feedback from our target audience has helped me develop and change my products, in order to make them more successful in attracting and pleasing my audience. Overall, the feedback that I gathered throughout the project was very useful and relevant; however there were certain occasions where I decided to overrule the feedback that didn’t come from someone within my target audience.

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